Monday, March 30, 2020

Basic Questions About Biology

Basic Questions About BiologyFor most people who are not familiar with the topic of biology, it may be tough to come up with the questions that they really want to ask. Some questions seem to be common among many people while others are common to only one or two. One of the best ways to find answers to all of your questions is to read the topics you need to know about in a short article so that you can have information readily available.Many people who aren't familiar with biology don't understand why they need to have knowledge of plants, animals, and other things. They might assume that everything in the world exists for the same purpose. This isn't always the case though. They need to know why they need to learn more about these topics.A good question to ask is how the term 'life' comes into existence. Most people assume that life is what they see in the form of plants, animals, and other things that we see in nature. In fact, life doesn't exist unless it's brought about by anothe r being or a physical factor such as gravity or other forces.Biology doesn't simply mean any study about the creation of life. The word means something else too. It has to do with the origin of life and evolution.Evolution refers to the process of life. It goes all the way back to when life first appeared on earth. Life's history includes its origins and development. The process is one of the basic aspects of biology.Biology also discusses the factors that affect the evolution of a species. These factors can include climate, food supply, and geography. As one progresses through life, he or she will get better at understanding how nature works.While this might seem like an endless topic for a biology book, it really isn't. There are simple questions that can help get you started. You don't necessarily have to know exactly what the answer is to the question, but knowing the basics will help you understand what science and all of life really are.Don't know much about biology? Well, you 're in luck because there is plenty of information on this subject that you can find. By learning the basics, you can gain a better understanding of your own life and others and you can help others along the way too.

Friday, March 6, 2020

30-second commutes to teaching in Spain The most inspiring teacher stories of 2018

30-second commutes to teaching in Spain The most inspiring teacher stories of 2018 It’s that time of year: curl up, get a steamy mug of hot chocolate (marshmallows optional) and have a little bout of nostalgia. We’re taking a look back at some of the teachers that inspired us in 2018. Teachers are the hearts and minds running our schools and leading the next generation to greater things, so they're a great bunch of people to get nostalgic about. If you’re curious about teaching abroad or online, we’ve got some stories that will give you plenty to think about as you sip that hot chocolate. Below is a list of our keepers (i.e. teachers we absolutely adore and want to put in our pockets...) for 2018. 1. Sarah: Teaching English online with Wall Street English First up is a lovely QA with Sarah Di Paola, who currently works as an online teacher. She filled us in on the nitty gritty of her everyday life as well as plenty of philosophical asides . If you’re curious about online teaching, this is a must-read. She gives lots of depth in her answers, covering everything from navigating cultural differences teaching Chinese students online to the sort of people best suited to the job. 2. Shannon: Misconceptions people have about teaching English online Online English teaching seriously came into its own this year, so it’s no surprise that our next story is from a teacher who works from the comfort of her own bedroom (check out that set-up, we’ve got a crush on her ukelele). This is a useful blog - covering things like how to make a lesson your own and how to cater to different levels. There’s also full disclosure of all the props she currently uses! 3. Aine: What it’s like living and teaching English in Spain Warning! ??This one is going to make you want to uproot your life and get your sangria on in Spain. From the cost of living to the extensive holidays, Aine Geoghegan shares her experiences teaching English in Spain. It’s safe to say we’re a little jealous of all that sunshine! Spain is only one of this teacher’s many teach abroad adventures, and we’ve actually included a second blog where she chats about why you should teach abroad in general. 4. Ryne: Our decision to teach abroad This one comes in a couple of parts (here and here), but it’s well worth the read. Find out how Ryne and Grace figured out how to relocate abroad while studying, coping with student loans, rearing kids and having a head full of questions like what do we do with our house while we’re gone? If any of these are concerns you have, this is a pragmatic look at researching teach abroad positions while balancing your responsibilities. Sure, there’s a lot of fun and adventure, but there are often practical considerations and this is a great example of teachers who know how to ask the right questions?. Watch this: Ryne's Teach Away story Sign up to Teach Away today for access to the latest teaching jobs around the world. 5. Anchen: Living and teaching in Abu Dhabi Another teacher who shares lots of practical tips about how to go about getting a job teaching abroad. Everything from teaching portfolios to learning the language is covered. This is also a blog for anyone who wants to teach overseas but thinks they need to be a peppy 21 year old ???, Anchen quickly dispels this myth! And that’s not even to mention the tips offered about relocating with a family. This is a must-read for anyone interested in taking the plunge and teaching in Abu Dhabi. 6. Kathleen: What it’s like to teach online Another ukulele player thrown into the mix here (can’t help wondering what percentage of teachers test positive for ukulele skills). Kathleen is an online teacher with VIPKID and was kind enough to share some of her advice for online teachers worrying about how to get started. From her cute backdrop (you’ll have to read the blog to see) to her ADORABLE props (her finger puppets are next level cute) to how much lesson prep her job entails, this is an insightful peek into the world of online teaching. The world is full of inspiring teachers (both online and offline). In 2019, we plan to bring you more real-life stories straight from the classroom and share more teacher stories. If you’re interested in teaching abroad or online, make sure you browse our jobs boards. And if you’re a teacher who wants to share your story…why not get in touch!

Advancing Your Algebra Skills

Advancing Your Algebra SkillsIf you're an advanced math student, then you may already know that there are a number of sites that offer advanced algebra help. But do you know which ones are the best to visit?Online math help can be very helpful if you have an interest in these subjects. However, it can be helpful for anyone who does not have a real teacher to accompany them in studying the material. And who could blame you for wanting some help?You could sign up for free advanced algebra help online and take classes through the Internet or a video conferencing system. This will make it much easier for you to set up an appointment with a tutor to discuss your homework assignments and answer any questions you may have. Many advanced math tutors have real life students as clients so they know how to answer the most difficult questions.There are many courses available on the Internet that provide the tutor for free. In addition, they also give feedback on how well the tutor is doing his o r her job.When you sign up for an advanced algebra class, it is important to keep in mind that you will receive plenty of homework for your class, but you will not get any math support from the tutor. You will be expected to do your own homework and also to do the algebra yourself. As a result, advanced algebra help may not work in the best way for you because you will be better at solving problems yourself than a tutor will be.Online learning is important for advanced math students because the online versions are usually better than the ones that are available in your local community college. While many of the online courses are helpful, it is also important to keep in mind that you will be getting a great deal of extra information that can help you improve your skills. Many of the online courses provide interactive exercises so that you will be able to get to practice solving problems. Advanced algebra help is not the only thing you can find when it comes to algebra. There are oth er topics such as trigonometry, calculus, and statistics which you may find useful when you become an advanced math student.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Is KCTCS Tutoring Right For You?

Is KCTCS Tutoring Right For You?KCTCS Tutoring is the largest independent, industry standard for education technology. These programs give students all the flexibility and ease of use that are required for the younger, more impressionable age group. From Math to Science, English to Foreign Language, education has never been more interesting and convenient.Tutoring is ideal for the busy parent who is eager to make sure his or her child gets as much education as possible. Technology has provided teachers with the opportunity to increase the teaching workload without sacrificing the quality of education for their students. Traditional methods are often not possible to maintain. They also do not give students the ability to do independent study, interact with other students, or stay after school to go to the library or do homework.KCTCS Tutoring's programs allow students to take an intensive course, move easily through the lessons, or be excused from some classes if they prefer. All stud ents receive personalized attention, while teachers are able to schedule their time for maximum efficiency.Some KCTCS courses may only last for a few weeks or months. Others may be taken over a period of several years. The best of KCTCS programs provide flexible scheduling and student choices to help teachers achieve the highest level of learning possible for their students. At the end of the school year, it is important to be sure that students are prepared to enter the classroom ready to learn and will enjoy the course they've just completed.KCTCS Tutoring is also known as K-12 tutoring, because it offers quality, hands-on education to students at all levels. Students are prepared to succeed in a classroom environment, but also have the opportunity to grow and develop a more rounded and intellectual life. With a K-12 program, students can increase their vocabulary, read fluently, develop problem solving skills, and learn valuable skills like the value of taking initiative, taking charge, and controlling your feelings.Because there are so many options for K-12 tutoring, it can be very confusing to find the best online KCTCS program to suit your needs. You want a program that will allow you to work independently, and that will keep up with the latest trends in the education world. A good online K-12 program should allow students to access a full library of worksheets, do independent study, and can give feedback on classwork, but can also include weekly group discussion.KCTCS Tutoring will set your child on the path to success. You'll be able to stay current on developments in education technology and your child will benefit from an enhanced education that brings into focus their greatest interests and abilities. All children benefit from hands-on learning, but students that don't have the resources can be left behind.

Why Tutor Time Reviews Can Be Helpful

Why Tutor Time Reviews Can Be HelpfulTutor time reviews can be a great source of information. A tutor has access to students' information, along with information that they give out voluntarily about themselves and their experiences. A review of your experience can be a valuable tool in evaluating your tutor and other tutors you may be interested in working with.With time reviews, the university or college may report findings of a study on your success rate and effectiveness. The review can even have the results of recent assessments of students who were in the same class as you. All this information can help your tutor know what to expect from you if he chooses to work with you.Many students are aware of the benefits that a regular reading course can offer. If you were exposed to the literature and culture of someone in your class, it can only help you become more knowledgeable about how that person was treated others or even how his or her culture and society works. It may even give you a broader perspective on how to change certain aspects of your life. On the other hand, if you were exposed to the same culture, but were in a class that you would not otherwise have been exposed to, your knowledge of the subject will be a little different.Tutor time reviews can also help you prepare for exams and quizzes. Most tests you might face at school will be subject to an essay or multiple choice section. In many cases, you'll be given about ten minutes to complete each section. If you don't learn all of the information and apply it correctly, you will struggle to finish the test.Time reviews allow you to understand the scope of the test. What kind of format will you face? What are the questions with which you are likely to struggle? How will you feel when the timer goes off? You might find it difficult to get through the questions.These are just some of the benefits of tutoring in that you can learn more about your tutor and what to expect from them. Although there are many different types of tutoring available, a tutor should always be approached with the assumption that you are a good student who is motivated and conscientious. If they believe that you are not the right candidate for tutoring, they should explain to you why that is and why you should be more successful.You can often find the answers to some of the questions above by using time reviews. Each instructor should have a policy about what they ask from their students. Some instructors will require specific tests to be passed, others will take a test for the entire class. If you are unsure of the type of test you need to pass, a review can answer that question.

Superprofs handy guide to piano instruction

Superprof’s handy guide to piano instruction How to learn to play the piano ChaptersLearn to play the piano, beginning with solfegeOptimize your natural talents to learn to play the pianoTeaching yourself the piano: a good or bad idea?Learn the piano with a teacher: the fastest and most efficient approachLearn the piano with a teacher: music schools or private lessons?Practice makes perfect!Self-taught, with a teacher, in a music school: there are several options for those who want to learn piano. With all these choices for music instruction Superprof is here to help clarify things for you!One important idea to note from the start: there is no easy answer. Everything depends on your piano goals, motivation level, work method, your background in music and your budget. But one thing is certain: if you’d like to progress rapidly and learn to play advanced piano songs, we’d highly recommend working with a piano instructor.Read on for more information…!Train yourself to play a song that you hear: this will improve your musical ear and help you play by earBu t everything has its downside. Here are some disadvantages to teaching yourself to play the piano as opposed to taking a piano lesson:You aren’t structured or supervised, so no one will correct your errorsYour solfege attempts wont be heard by a professionalYou risk taking up bad habitsThe risk of frustration and discouragement is higherIt’s therefore possible to learn the piano alone, but you don’t have the best chances on your side. Taking music classes is the preferred means of learning and making regular progress on the keyboard.Motivation and perseverance are key to becoming a true pianist.Learn the piano with a teacher: the fastest and most efficient approachYour private piano teacher will provide a structure for learning, while observing and encouraging you. He or she will teach you how to overcome challenges, which may also relate to other situations in your daily life! (who said learning a chord wasn’t practical?The piano teacher, who is a professional with a love o f music, will transmit this passion to you, increase your motivation, and enrich your playing. This will make it easier to learn music theory, play the key of middle C, and all those other less fun tasks!Different formulas are at your disposal: private lessons (like the ones you’d book at Superprof, for example), a music school or a conservatory for higher education students.And since you’ll be spending a lot of time with your piano teacher, at least an hour per week depending on the method you choose, it’s very important that you get along with one another. So choose a teacher who corresponds to your personality and objectives. And if you don’t find the right match at first, try again!Don't forget that a tutor might be the most important tool for learning piano.Learn the piano with a teacher: music schools or private lessons?Do you prefer to be guided by a teacher to take those first steps, or, in your case, first piano scales?That’s great, but you’re now faced with ano ther important  question:  private instructor or music school?Piano instruction can happen at any age as long as you’re motivated.The first criteria is a practical one: location. If there is no music school located nearby, there’s a better chance you’ll find a private teacher in the area, or better yet, one who teaches you at your house!If both options are possible for you,  ask yourself these questions related to your work method and objectives:What is your main aim for piano playing (as a hobby, to become a professional…)?What type of class experience are you after (a personalized or very structured experience…)?What type of music do you want to play (classical, jazz, variety, modern…)?Do you prefer individual or group classes?Your responses to these questions should be able to guide you to make a decision regarding your beginning piano lessons.If you go to a music school, you’ll find:Rigor and regularity in your learning programme,A more traditional education,Piano lessons and obligatory solfege training,Group classes,Exchanges with fellow students,Exams to test ability and level of playing.With private lessons, you’ll have:A lesson that is adapted to your personal needs, aims and speed of progress,Greater possibility in the style of music and tunes you can learn,Flexibility in course schedule,Generally speaking, the music school is for those destined to go to a conservatory for higher education and a career as a pianist or musician. It’s a sure means to acquire a very firm music foundation and know that piano keyboard by heart! If you are looking to learn to play piano for fun, or how to play your favorite piano music (other than classical repertoire), a private teacher might be the better option for your piano course! (Just beware of those free piano lessons.)Practice makes perfect!Whether you are learning to play piano alone or with the help of a piano teacher, practicing will play a vital role in your goal to become a piano player. In order to impact your playing and lead you to become a more advanced pianist faster, practice should be regular.  That octave or major scale won’t teach itself!So that you don’t lose motivation or direction, follow a schedule, such as one hour of playing every day or every two days (depending on your personal piano playing goals).  Regularity is just as important as quantity. It’s better to play those black keys every three days than five hours every now and then!Your piano playing won’t progress without training and exercises  (those famous piano scales!). Sadly, there are no miracle solutions. Even if your piano teacher is Elton John, if you don’t practice several hours each week your progress will be little to none.And afterwards, you’ll be at the same level of our Superprof, Antoine P. (portrait of a piano teacher). Goodbye easy piano songs, hello Chopin!

Dyslexia Support for Kids Learning English

Dyslexia Support for Kids Learning English Teaching Kids with Dyslexia ChaptersHelp with Dyslexia: How to Teach Children to Read WriteHelp with Dyslexia for Kids Learning EnglishDyslexia Aids to Help Kids Learn EnglishTravelling Could Help Overcome DyslexiaFor dyslexic children, learning English can be a real pain.  However, children with learning disabilities can still learn to read, write, and speak English. In fact, a learner with reading difficulties can gain fluency in the language.Dyslexics struggle when it comes to reading comprehension and the written language. As a result, it can take them longer when it comes to learning to read.  Having a learning disability when learning a language can be traumatic, especially when you're not getting all the support they need. Parents of children with dyslexia often have a few concerns:Is dyslexia insurmountable? Will it limit my child’s options?Will they be able to fully integrate into the community?How can you teach dyslexic children English?What methods could help them get better at English?You’d lik e them to have a normal life in school and learn English just like their classmates do. Especially given that English is now essential for their futures.Don’t panic, nothing’s impossible!  There is a lot of help available for people with dyslexia and developmental or learning difficulties such as cognitive therapy and nowadays the condition is much better understood than it was in the past. Here are some steps you can take to teach your child English when they are dyslexic or have a reading disability.A dyslexic child can quickly fall behind at school and struggle with literacy if the teacher isn't aware of the child's condition. Even when the teacher is aware of it, they mightn’t have the time to provide the proper support for a dyslexic child due to having a full class or the school not having the necessary support.This could result in their classmates making fun of them when they get bad grades.  As a result, their time at school might turn into a nightmare.Dyslexia, dysgra phia, dysorthographia, and dyspraxia affect between 6 and 8% of children.  How can you get over this disorder and improve their level in English?Check here for English lessons you can take.Dysgraphia can be troublesome for those learning a language. (Source: La Contra de Jaén)The first challenge for the suffering child is learning to read while ignoring speaking. They need to write down the sounds and syllables they hear. Once they start to attempt writing down the spoken language, dyslexia can rear its ugly head: resulting in them losing concentration or motivation.Even for those without dyslexia, learning a language can be difficult: especially when faced with a new alphabet, vocabulary, and grammar, which can effectively taking them out of their “comfort zone”.Furthermore, a dyslexic child learning English won’t be familiar with the phonetic elements of the language. This can cause problems when it comes to phonological awareness and word recognition.Since the pronunciatio n and phonics are different, learning English grammar can become problematic. Especially given that the names of most of the letters in the alphabet have changed.Additionally, decoding phonemic symbols is difficult enough without having to worry about dyslexia. This can cause nightmares for those without dyslexia. For those with dyslexia, it can negatively affect their understanding as well as their pronunciation.For these reasons, learning a foreign language might seem like a mountain to climb given that learning their mother tongue is more difficult due to dyslexia.To learn English online or in school with dyslexia, you should look for resources and methods tailored specifically to those with the disorder. You should also be very patient and not run the risk of demotivating them. After all, once they begin working using the correct approach, they'll be able to learn the language just as quickly as any other child!Private English tutorials are highly recommended. Is this the only o ption? No. In fact, there are a number of them...Help with Dyslexia for Kids Learning EnglishThe advantage of learning English from tutorials is that the tutor can focus on alleviating the reading problems caused by dyslexia and putting the child back on track in terms of their development.What methods do you need to employ in an English tutorial with a dyslexic student? (Source: Dyslexia Cornwall)These tutorials have to be fun and the educator has to be patient and listen. Find a teacher who can work with the student's strengths and weaknesses and focus on auditory learning techniques, reading aloud, and tutoring methods tailored for a student with a reading disorder.Being a good listener is an academic support tutor’s most important quality. When a child with learning problems struggles to learn a word, they might get frustrated. The tutor need to be patient and calm throughout!The tutor needs to adapt their rhythm to the student.  They need to make a concerted effort to encoura ge their student and ensure that their tutorials are never boring!For example, the English tutor could create a dialogue to be read aloud. The tutor could help engage the dyslexic student’s memory by associating certain English words with colours. Once class is finished, the student will have a diagram they can use to associate the words with the colours.To teach them English, the tutor will often need to work using simple exercises focusing on recognising certain letters. By repeating them and hearing them, the student will remember them better.They can then move towards school exercises for dyslexic people that focus on their literacy skills.Fortunately, the issues caused by dyslexia can be focused on and addressed. There are plenty of methodologies that can be used to help those with reading disability read and write, even in a foreign language.Speech and language therapists and occupational therapists can also help those struggling with dyslexia and there are even specialised schools and classes dedicated to those with dyslexia.Dyslexia Aids to Help Kids Learn EnglishEnglish can also be learnt away from school with ESOL courses. Here are 5 little tips to get ahead in English.There are plenty of interesting and effective ways to teach students with dyslexia. (Source: Nice English)Watch English-language films. This means they can start associating the phonological elements with the words if you put the subtitles.Read the text again while you listen to it and practise.Speak English with family members and friends. This is a fun and free way to learn English without realising it.Get language courses on CD or MP3 and practice repeating phrases aloud.Finally, practice dictation, helping the student to work on their spelling.The first tip helps you with subtitles, the second aids memory, and the third and fourth will help echoic memory. The fifth tip will help with spelling and grammar.Whenever you learn, you need to remain motivated. A dyslexic student has to feel included both in their academic life and personal life.Dyslexia can hinder a person all the way through childhood and on into adulthood. This is particularly important given that English is becoming increasingly important in our everyday lives whether it’s for communicating with strangers, commanding a better salary, working for multinational companies, having unforgettable travel experiences, or learning an important skill.As you can see, there are plenty of benefits!Travelling Could Help Overcome DyslexiaYour childhood can be defined by travelling. Whether you're dyslexic or not, it’s always a good idea to travel throughout your life.Furthermore, thanks to things like budget airlines, it’s never been easier to travel.You can overcome dyslexia and teach very young children English.Immersion is the best way to learn English. However, deciding to move away isn’t always a decision you can take lightly, even if it is for such a good cause. There are a few ways to do this, though:Study programmesWorking holiday visasRoad tripsInternational volunteeringSolidarity or humanitarian tourismImmersion can work wonders for students with dyslexia. (Source: CNews)There are plenty of countries where a dyslexic wanting to learn English could improve: The UK, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, India, Hong Kong, etc. In fact, almost every Commonwealth country has some history with the English language...To learn English, there’s nothing better than spending time in an English-speaking country. You can continue to take classes in English while also benefiting from daily immersion.You’ll probably come back knowing more than those without dyslexia. There’s also the possibility of sitting the TOEFL exam which certifies your level in English.If you decide to go for a working-holiday visa, it’s even simpler. You just have to pay for the visa, insurance, and be younger than 30. This visa allows you to go to a country for two years and work. You’ ll speak English every day at work, while you travel, and in hotels and hostels.However, you need to avoid those who speak your language!You can also volunteer if you’re under 30. There are plenty of programmes for those wanting to help out.It’s a great way to learn English for a good cause and you’ll also be helping those while immersed in their language environment. Discover the best age to start learning English here.

The Online Tutorials Guide

The Online Tutorials Guide Advice for Better Online Tutorials ChaptersThe Required Material for Online Private TutorialsWhat Online Tutorials Are LikeHow Can You Find Online Private Tutors?How Much Do Online Tutorials Cost?“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” - William Arthur WardThe private tutoring and academic support market have seen an increase in recent years.  Academic support, as the name suggests, is there to support students who are struggling in one or several academic subjects. Private tutors can teach either in person or via webcam. We’ll be looking at the latter today.In this article, we’ve got tips for online tutorials including how to find the right tutor, the cost, the equipment you’ll need, and how an online private tutorial should go. Here we go!you might want to check the condition of your computer and equipment. You'll need a computer, a good internet connection, a webcam, and a microphone. (Source: StockSnap)The first thing you’ll need is a computer as you can’t find a private tutor without it. Even though you can follow lessons on your smartphone or a tablet, you’ll be far more comfortable at a desk in front of your computer. Whether you’re using a desktop or a laptop or a PC or a Mac, it doesn’t matter as long as your computer is fairly quick and can support videoconferencing.Make sure you always turn your computer on 15 minutes before the start of your lesson as you don’t want an update or a slow startup to cause you to miss the start of your tutorial.You should also make sure your internet connection is working and quick enough. A video call uses a decent amount of bandwidth so make sure your internet connection can keep up. To ensure that the connection is smooth and doesn’t buffer, you’ll want at least a 30Mbit/s connection for a high-quality video call.Tip: use Speedt est to check your internet connection speed.You’ll also need to make sure that you have a microphone and webcam that work so that the tutor can see and hear you. Whether you’re doing catchup lessons, a foreign language tutorial, or maths, you’ll want to be able to hear your tutor without having to send messages via typing. You want your webcam to be of a high enough quality so that your tutor can read your work when you show him it.Test your microphone and webcam by calling a friend before your first tutorial. Speak, get them to listen to you, and show them some written work to see if they can read it. This is a great way to check if everything is working fine. Download a videoconferencing programme that both you and your tutor agree on. Generally, Skype is the most commonly used and it allows you to share your screen and send files during calls.After all, you'll never be able to achieve academic success if you struggle to communicate with your tutor online.Find out more about online tutorial resources.What Online Tutorials Are LikeJust because you’ve checked all your equipment before the lesson, it doesn’t mean everything will go well. You’ll need to check the quality of the connection once you start. This should only take around 30 seconds but it’s essential for ensuring that the tutorial will go well and not be full of technical problems. Unlike school, the tutor will be ensuring that the tutorials are engaging and tailored to the student. (Source: KokomoCole)Just like during your first face-to-face tutorial, during your first online tutorial, you’ll need to determine your objectives and what you want to learn.Your tutor will ask you questions to help you prepare for your next tutorials, your expectations, and your difficulties. You’ll need to tell them about your level, your short-term and long-term objectives, and you’re availability. You might want to book a few classes together so that your tutor can plan.After that, your lesson will be just like a traditional face-to-face tutorial:Covering the lessonExercises to check retentionCorrection and explanationsHomework for the next lessonOf course, the tutor will adapt the lessons to your needs. If you need help with your homework, let them know. Similarly, some lessons can be entirely dedicated to correcting errors, going over a class you missed, or past papers. It’s up to you.Even if you get supplemental instruction via webcam, you'll find there's a lot of similarities between home tutoring and online tutoring. The only real difference is that the person being tutored isn't in the same room as their tutor.Find out more about what online tutorials are like.How Can You Find Online Private Tutors?To make sure you find the right online tutor, you’ll need to ask yourself a few questions. Their answers will help you decide the criteria for any potential tutor. There are many places where you can find online tutorials. (Source: StartupStockPhotos)The subject you need help with: physics, chemistry, biology, maths, Spanish, French, etc.Your level: primary, secondary, GCSE, A Level, degree, etc.Your objectives: exam revision, preparation, learning a new language, improving your grades, etc.Your budget.Your availability: evenings, weekends, during the holidays, etc.Once you’ve worked out what you’re looking for, you can then start looking at online tutors via classified sites, academic support organisations, or online platforms for finding private tutors.Each has its advantages and disadvantages.Classifieds: the rates tend to be better but you’ve no guarantee of the tutor's experience or reputation.Academic support organisations: tutors are often required to have certain qualifications and experience. In some cases, they’ll be students but they’ll also have professional teachers in some cases. The rates tend to be quite high in compar ison to the other types we’ve seen. Of course, these tutoring companies don't tend to let anyone become a tutor, so you are guaranteed a higher level of tutor.Tutoring platforms and search engines like Superprof: you can see a tutor’s rating and reviews from former students to get a better idea of their quality. The rates are more competitive than tutoring organisations. The tutors’ profiles are checked and many of them even offer free tutoring for the first hour. While you don't need any formal qualifications when it comes to becoming a tutor on these types of platforms, you do need to assist students properly else you'll never build a reputation.With hundreds of thousands of tutors on Superprof, you’ll be spoilt for choice. Don’t hesitate to ask around and pay particular attention to the tutors who respond quickly (in less than 24 hours) and are active on the platform.Whether a student needs help with test prep, test-taking, writing skills, note-taking, study skills or o ther academic support services, you're bound to be able to find a tutor who can offer tuition in the academic skills they need.How Much Do Online Tutorials Cost?The cost of online tutorials will depend on various criteria.The subjectThe levelThe tutor’s qualificationsThe tutor’s experienceThe platform or service you use to find your private tutor A good online tutor will help students regain their self-confidence. (Source: StartupStockPhotos)However, online tutorials are generally more affordable than face-to-face tutorials since the tutors don’t have as many outgoings to worry about. With the tutor staying at their own home, they don’t have transport costs to worry about. Similarly, they can schedule more tutorial each week, increasing what they can potentially earn.You’ll have to consider your budget. It’s difficult to find a tutor who meets all your criteria so you’ll need to find one who meets most of them. Your budget will probably make the final decision for you.There are plenty of online tutoring services online. In addition to the one-on-one tutoring offered by tutors on Superprof, you can also find the best tutors from all over the world. If a student's academic performance is suffering and there are no local tutors or your need a more affordable way to help, many of the great tutors on the platform are tut oring online, too.No matter what you want to learn, there are three main types of tutorial available: the online tutorials we were discussing in this article, face-to-face tutorials, and group tutorials. Each has its advantages and disadvantages and it'll be up to you to choose which works for you, your learning objectives, and your budget.Group tutorials tend to be the cheapest per person per hour since the cost of the tutor's time is divided between all the students attending. However, this means that you won't have the tutor's undivided attention during the whole class.Face-to-face tutorials are just between you and your tutor. The courses are tailored to you and as a result, you'll pay a premium for all the time inside and outside of the class the tutors puts into planning and teaching the course. These tend to be the most cost-effective type of tutorials even if they're also usually the most costly.And as for online tutorials, you already know everything you need to know about them!

Is It Time to Reevaluate Your Career Goals - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Is It Time to Reevaluate Your Career Goals - Introvert Whisperer Is It Time to Reevaluate Your Career Goals? You woke up this week and realized the career direction you were headed in is no longer right for you. Knowing that isn’t a comfortable feeling; and you might even be denying it to some degree. You were very strong in your conviction of this goal, and it’s not an easy thing to let go of. How did you get to this point? Was your original career goal wrong to begin with? Should you really be thinking of reevaluating your career goals? It would be nice to think that, like some people out there, you knew what you wanted to be and stayed the course for the next 40 years. But that doesn’t happen to too many people, so don’t consider it a realistic expectation for you. Even when you have clarity about your direction, you don’t have to stay the course at all costs. Most careers weave in a variety of directions for all sorts of reasons, and if resetting your goals looks like the right thing to you, don’t waste your time worrying. It’s clearly think time. (Like this thought? Tweet it!) Let’s look at a few signs you may be ready for a reevaluation. Signs It’s Time to Reevaluate Your Career Goals 1. Now That You’re Close, It’s Not That Cool When we develop our ideas of our ideal career direction, we think of all the great things about that position. Usually there are several steps and a few positions to pursue before you arrive. At each step, you get better visibility, as well as more personal insight. It might not be that great now that you can see it better, or you simply might not want to do what it takes to make that next step. 2. Your Priorities Have Changed As we go through life, it has an interesting way of changing our minds about what’s important.  You may have changed your priorities without realizing it, and now that you have, your previously chosen career goal doesn’t fit well. 3. You Have Other Interests You may be at a point where you’ve discovered new directions for your career that now hold more interest to you. That’s fine because that’s how life works; the longer you live, the more new things you get exposed to. Whatever the reason for the change of heart, you need to move forward to rethink your career goals. Now you’ve arrived at this point, you have many different directions you could take and steps to go with them. You have work to do to to identify both your new direction and the steps you have to take to get there. Here are some starting points: Where You Can Go Now 1. Complete Career Change This one can be tricky because most of us really don’t know how to start from the beginning at figuring out a new career path. If you’re at a point where you’re ready to completely change course, it’s best to pull out all the tricks and settle in for a while to get this figured out. There are books to help you and career coaches that can help guide you through a self-discovery process. Note the emphasis on self-discovery. No, there is not an assessment that will tell you where you should go next.  As a career coach, I might help point you in the right direction, but you’ve got work to do to arrive at a good decision. 2. Course Correction You may have thought you wanted to be CFO, but now that you’re a group controller, you’re thinking Operations Management might be better for you.  While it’s a new career goal, the order of magnitude is more like a course correction. You can capitalize on your background to get to this new career goal, but you may need to figure out what assignments you need that will better qualify you. Speak to your management to get their viewpoint on things you can do to better qualify you. 3. One Step Back You may have gotten promoted, but now that you’re there, you realize you like your previous job better. This is no problem, unless you work for a company that can only see one direction for you in which case you will most likely need to leave for another company. If that isn’t the case, then speak to your management and HR about your career direction to see if they can help support it. You career is a constantly moving thing just like you.  No longer do we have a “life work” that goes on for decades, which means that rethinking and reevaluating your career goals will happen a few times. When that time comes for you, it may take some time to get used to the fact that you want to change direction, but once you’re there, do the work to make that next step really worth taking. Have you undergone a career reevaluation, or are you in the midst of one? Share your experiences in the comments! Image: Flickr Go to top Do you know what your next career step is?  Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable. Get your copy now and start your action plan today! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer